Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting Closer To The Waitlist

Our receipt for our I600a application arrived on Monday. We should be getting a letter with an appointment date and time for our biometrics soon. After that, we will wait for the I171-H (probably the last document that will be needed for our Dossier). We also have an appointment with our new case worker Sara on (drum roll please)...July 13. That is right. Our wedding anniversary. (God makes me smile) So we will not be placed on the waitlist by our anniversary like I had hoped for but we get to talk to our new case worker for a whole hour about the next steps in our adoption. Exciting!! We are so close I can smell it!!

I know we still have a long way before officially meeting our son but this is how I will avoid going crazy. Just taking things one step at a time and quit playing the guessing game. Basically, keep letting God be in control. So for now, we are anticipating our biometrics appointment. Then we shall look forward to the end of the paperwork chase :).

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy 31st

To the man that knows me more than anyone else. The man that can make me smile no matter what mood I am in. To my roommate, my friend, my companion, my advisor, my husband, my soul mate, my everything….Happy Birthday!!! I love you so so so much!!

Getting ready to go fishing

Rob's first brisket - it was yummy!

Homemade pineapple upside down cake

Rob blowing his candles

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Quote For The Day

This is part of a quote I came across today. Love it!!!

Many times we wonder why He would let us go through these difficult times,
not realizing the what/where these events may bring us.
Only He knows and He will not let us fall.
God Knows that when He puts these things all in order,
they always work for good.
We just have to trust Him, and eventually, they will make something wonderful.

God is crazy about you!

He sends you flowers every spring...
He makes the sun rise every morning...
And anytime you need to talk...He is there to listen.
He can live anywhere in the universe...
But He chose to live in your heart.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Gladney Approved!!!!!

We received an email today stating we have been Gladney approved. Our caseworker has mailed off our I600a application today :). We are so close to being placed on the infamous waitlist! We need to complete our dossier before being placed on the official waitlist. For THAT we still need the following items:

FBI clearances

Approval from USCIS (that is what the I600a is requesting)

Reference letters

Personal statement

So close to being done with the paperwork part of the process. Yay!

I would also like to say Happy Father's Day to the hardest working and most loving fathers we have. We love you.

Rob and his dad trying to figure out who the stronger Delgado is

My dad and I at the Chicago concert

(Even though we do not have our baby here with us, I know in my heart you are going to be one of the best fathers there is. Happy Father's Day babe!!!!)

Rob holding our youngest nephew Matthew :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Best Birthday Present

Friday is my birthday and I don't know how to quite feel about it. I remember when I was younger I would countdown the days leading up to my big day. Now, I want to stop time. I don't want to get any older without being a mom. I remember as a little girl saying how I hoped to be a mom at the age of 28. Well, that will more than likely not happen. I also wanted to be on the waitlist by Friday, which is also not going to happen. But I will be a mom sooner than later and I am grateful for that. I am also thankful that I am truly following God's will. I am accepting it and although it is hard at times, I keep reminding myself He is the one writing this amazing story. Even when I try to be in control of the adoption process, I just can't. I sometimes want to go crazy because I like to know exactly when things are going to happen. Oh how I wish this process would not be as unpredictable. I am hoping and praying and wishing (do I sense a birthday wish) to be on the waitlist by August. There. I am being realistic. Although it would be nice to be on the list by our anniversary next month (hint, hint God).

Only He knows why everything is taking as long as it is. Why every step takes us to the next. Why just when it starts to feel like we are making progress at a fast pace, something comes up and brings us to a stand still. I think that is God telling us to slow down. But I will say it yet again, I can't wait to see the greatest, bestest, most awesomest little blessing He has planned for us.

We were invited to the 2011 Military Ball on my b-day :)

Good times!

With my sisters and nephews

Make a wish!

I received my birthday present from Rob today in the mail and I LOVE it!

My necklace came in this pretty package

Just in case you need a verbal description: it is a heart with the word Ethiopia written inside of it and a charm in the shape of Africa :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Adoption Symptoms?

Is that even possible? Adoption symptoms? I am usually a pretty strong person when it comes to emotional situations. But since we started the adoption process, I have seriously been on an emotional roller coaster. I have never cried so much (all kinds of tears: joy, excitement, stress, anticipation...) in my life. I have been feeling so many emotions these past few months and sometimes all at the same time.

Rob will be training in Houston for his new job. He will be gone for three weeks :(.
This was part of our conversation today:

Rob: "I think I will look for an Ethiopian restaurant (San Antonio does not have any) and check it out."

Me: "What?! Why would you do that to me?" (puppy face)

Rob: "Do what babe?" (concerned)

Me: "Eat Ethiopian food for the first time without me." (sob, sob, cry)

And that was it. My breakdown. I seriously cried like a baby. No wait, I was a complete sobbing mess. It felt like it was the worst thing that anyone had ever told me. I now realize it was silly of me and Rob did not mean any harm. So my question for the day is: Is there such a thing as adoption symptoms?
NOT an Ethiopian restaurant :(

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rob's Last Day As A Bartender

Yesterday was Rob's last day working at the restaurant. The plan was to work only Saturday's and save the extra money for the adoption but he has been working in the restaurant business for way too long and it was time to move on. We feel relieved and excited. We can't wait to literally spend every single night together. Eat dinner together, go to sleep at the same time, water the grass, go grocery shopping, attend family gatherings, and everything one can think of. We are so ready for this next chapter in our lives.

Black on black no more

Rob is so cute, he thought he was going to walk in yesterday and have balloons waiting for him or maybe a bonus? Well, some people didn't even know it was his last day. He did get to have a free dinner (and so did I). Therefore, he enjoyed a veal chop milanese with sea scallops topped with a bernaise sauce and a side of mashed potatoes. It was delicious!