Saturday, September 24, 2011

Packages And Goodies

Yesterday I received a package in the mail from my sister. It made me so happy that it brought tears to my eyes. I know for a fact that our family has our son in their hearts but this was a tiny way to remind me how much he is loved by everyone. 
So to the handful of readers out there, I would like to take this opportunity to show y'all some goodies that we have received. :)

My little sister Daniela bought us t-shirts for our birthdays:
Rob's has the Ethiopian flag with "Ethiopia" written in Amharic.
Mine has a heart inside the shape of Ethiopia with the words "There is nowhere on earth I wouldn't go to bring you home to me". Very true!!!! (Can you tell I wash and wear then wash and wear it over and over?)

From grandma and grandpa Delgado and aunt Gina:
Bib and spoon from their Youth Group trip to Portugal. I will confess, the spoon will not be used because it is too darn cute.

From aunt Lorena:
A flat cap and a card written just for her nephew.

From mom and dad:
We decided to buy our son something every month and last month we bought these two books. Both of them had me and my family crying like babies...goodness!

So, there you have it folks!!! Our son is spoiled and loved :). 

For my future little reader, I don't know where you are but we love you so much, pray for you constantly, and can't stop talking or much less thinking about you. I also can't wait to see you in your cute caps and your bib. And I CANNOT wait to read to you every night. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

One Month Waiting Anniversary

Yesterday, I posted a cool, orange number 1 at 7 am (I was excited). After Rob woke up and had something to eat, he suggested we should post what we did on that special day. Pregnant women take cute pictures of their growing bellies and record the symptoms they are experiencing every month. Obviously, this is different. So what we decided to do is write down a quick "what we did on our X month waiting anniversary" with a picture attached. We don't know when our son will be born until we receive the picture with his gorgeous face on it. So, this will help us go back in time and remember what/where we were doing when we do know his date of birth. So here goes (clearing my throat):
Yesterday we went to church, ate brunch (didn't take a picture of that because that was before Rob's suggestion), took a nap, and went to a concert. Who did we see? None other than Michael Franti and Carlos Santana :).

One month waiting.
Our awesome neighbors. We hung out with them all day long (other than nap time). We went to church together, tried to figure out what the difference is between a muffin and a cupcake while eating, and took this picture after the concert. I don't know why we decided to take it in front of this truck. Maybe because it was black and shiny?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Month

We have been on our agency's wait list for one full month. The current average wait time for a referral is 15 months. But you never know. Therefore, happy one month waiting XX more to go :).