Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thirteen Months

Months on the wait list:

On our thirteen month waiting anniversary, we went to work. After work, we tried our hardest to find an Ethiopian or even an African restaurant here in town, but there is not a single one...boo. So, we decided to go to the movies. It took us an hour to figure out what movie to watch. We watched the trailers to every movie that was showing and of course, had to read the reviews. We ended up going to the Alamo Drafthouse and watched Lawless. We ate some popcorn plus Rob had a philly cheesesteak and I had the macaroni and cheese with green chiles.

In other news, we got back from a much needed vacation a couple of weeks ago. We had so much fun!! It was nice to spend some time together away from our normal day-to-day routine. Of course, our camera broke mid-vacation but we were able to capture the following:

The view from our room 
We spent a lot of time relaxing by the pool and the beach 
Playa del Carmen 
Rob is officially a sailor
Celebrating our wedding anniversary, again
The highlight of our trip was when we had the opportunity to release a baby sea turtle into the ocean. We got to name our turtle and we received a certificate as proof of the event. I named my turtle "Blake" and Rob named his "Mr. Turtle". Because we were in Mexico, they misspelled his poor turtle's name on its birth certificate.

Happy thirteen months waiting!!!