Thursday, March 15, 2012

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

I love reading other people's blogs. I love to read about what other families are feeling (both good and bad), what they are thinking, seeing pictures; some with their Ethiopian babies and some with their biological babies. Lately, I keep reading of more and more families switching programs, adopting domestically, or even switching agencies. I know everyone is praying for God to lead the way. I know He is changing hearts and finding children good homes in the end. I think that is wonderful.  I think those that are taking different paths are really listening to their prayers being answered and letting Him lead them to their child. Basically, there is no right or wrong decision here, just good people that care for the orphans letting God take over.
It makes me wonder though, am I being stubborn? Am I being dumb for sticking with a program where clearly, the wait keeps increasing nonstop? I feel like we are willingly running into a storm while everyone else is taking cover. But, the minute I start to think of other programs/agencies, I feel stress and anxiety. We still feel at peace with Ethiopia. We agree and understand why the wait is so long. Most importantly, we still feel excitement. We wonder if 2013 will be OUR year and if not, 2014 is a pretty good number. We constantly ask ourselves why God is giving us so much more time to prepare. Well, for one, I need to finish my master's degree (which I will in August) so... boom! there goes our first year on the list. That means I have the second year to find a new job and possibly move to another city... boom! there goes another year on the list. And hello! we need to find a good school, pediatrician, a good park to play at, the whole nine yards in the new town so...boom! there goes another 6 months. Still with me? So for those wondering if switching programs is in our hearts right now, the answer is no. We keep falling more in love with Ethiopia as we learn more about it. We keep dreaming about visiting Ethiopia. Most importantly, we keep praying for an Ethiopian little boy.

On Monday night, we caught ourselves watching the Insanity infomercial as we were eating a piece of chocolate cake :(. Well, they sold it to us and we received the package today so...boom! there goes the next 60 days.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Seven Months

Months on the waitlist:

Current average wait time:

On our seventh month waiting anniversary, we visited a winery in Grapevine, TX. My sister and her husband were in town to get a little breather from their two boys. Ah the irony of life, here she was taking a little vacation and here we were celebrating another month that brings us closer to our son :). (I am sure we will be taking those quick weekend getaways in a few years.) After the beautiful tour, delicious wine tasting, and relaxing time sitting outside listening to live music, we ended up at the smallest town I have ever been to in my life. Luckenbach, TX had a population of 3 in 2006. So yes, the town was tiny.

We bought our little boy a camouflage t-shirt with the name of the tiny town on it.
Happy seven months waiting!!!