Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nine Months

Months on the waitlist:

Current Average wait time:

When we were placed on the wait list in August, I knew immediately that if we did not receive our referral by April, our 9 month waiting anniversary would fall on Mother's Day weekend...Really?..Really?! My plan was to sit in front of my computer with a glass of wine and write a long post as the tears rolled down my face on the differences between a pregnancy and adoption. BUT for one, I do not have children and therefore, do not get the privilege of comparing one to the other. Two, God would not allow such a pity party in my house ;). 

My commencement ceremony was on the day before our waiting anniversary. My family and I celebrated with a nice dinner. The day of our waiting anniversary, we headed out to a lake house. We spent all weekend celebrating mother's day and my graduation. We ate, laughed, danced, ate, slept, did some fishing, and ate some more. The neat part of the whole weekend was that we were able to spend it with both of our families. I'm talking sisters, nephews, nieces, parents, and grandparents. All 22 of us had a pretty good time. 

It was raining so hard on Thursday, I think this is the only picture we took

My cake with one of my nephew's finger (busted)

9 months closer!

My dad with his grandchildren

Rob fishing...

Rob's fish

Me trying to fish

With Rob's family (our 3 nephews, 2 nieces, and brother in law are missing :( )

Has anyone seen my grandparents?

Me with a cowboy

Mom and sisters

Rob and I with our mothers

Our beautiful mothers
Happy mother's day and happy nine months waiting!!!