Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fun Activity #4

Run a 5K

I am extremely late in posting about our 5K run from April 6. However, we did it! We ran our first 5K. Although to some it is not that big of a deal, it was a huge accomplishment for us me. It is extremely embarrassing to admit that we had never been a part of any type of running event due to my inability to run. The reason behind my inability to run are my crazy knees. Yes, my knees are crazy I tell ya. Every time I bend my legs a crackling crack crickity crack sound can be heard for miles away. 

When we started the 8-week-prep-for-a-5K training program, I was terrified. My first day was awful. I stomped on the ground dramatically, could not control my breathing, my whole body was itchy and red, and we won't even talk about the stomach/leg cramps I experienced after 3 minutes of TRYING to jog. We stuck to the program and every other day we were either at the park or in our neighborhood "jogging". Nowadays, I can jog nonstop for 30 minutes. *Applause. Oh why thank you!

Because we are overachievers, we registered for the 5K Foam Fest, which is a 5K that involves mud and multiple obstacles. We invited family to join us and we came up with this great team.

We needed a name for our team and therefore we were the Skull Crushers. 
Side note: we really don't crush skulls. We just wanted to intimidate the other teams.

My little sister spent some serious time making our shirts.

We had a blast!!!! We laughed so hard and got super duper muddy. We cleaned mud from inside the truck and house for days!

The obstacles were a lot of fun. Note to self, never try to jump over a fence if ever being chased by a person or thing. I found out I cannot climb much less jump over ANYTHING. One of the obstacles we encountered was the death drop which is the largest inflatable slide in the world. We also had to crawl through a mud pit under electrical wires. Of course, I was the only one in our team that had to be dragged out of that obstacle because I kept getting shocked...on my behind. Good times, good times.

See why I kept getting shocked? Enough said.

We had such a great time and now we are hooked. Our next 5K is in July :).

Friday, April 12, 2013

Twenty Months

Months on the wait list:

Yesterday was the day we finally hit the 20's :). I was so excited that I could not wait to celebrate. I can't believe we've made it this far! 
I had a doctor's appointment at 4 so I was able to get home home a bit earlier than usual and start cooking roasted vegetable quesadillas for dinner. The plan was to head out and celebrate right after. Well, Rob got home and we ended up watching a movie while we ate dinner. When the movie was over and it was time to head out to do something, ANYTHING, we realized we were too tired. By 9:15 pm, I was washing my face and Rob was brushing his teeth. 
So Sad.

Today however, we decided to go to the batting cages because neither one of us had ever been. It was fun but a little awkward since everyone else was about 9 years old :-). 

Somebody please help! We need an Ethiopian baby boy ASAP to keep us young!

Happy twenty months waiting!!!